VHS sign a strategic agreement with Gen Re
VHS sign a strategic agreement with Gen Re......
2011-10-08 30
VHS provides a Health Express health lecture to DHL
VHS provides a Health Express health lecture to DHL......
2011-10-08 22
Set up one-stop health chain V-Health Center
Set up one-stop health chain V-Health Center......
2011-10-08 22
China Pacific Life Insurance Company become VHS customer
China Pacific Life Insurance Company become VHS customer......
2011-10-08 54
VHS offers VIP cards to customers of Lake Malaren cover the first ecological golf court in Asia
VHS offers VIP cards to customers of Lake Malaren cover the first ecological golf court in Asia......
2011-10-08 15
VHS provide health seminar for Alibaba
VHS provide health seminar for Alibaba......
2011-10-08 24
VHS establishes Changning Innovation Training Center for graduate students
VHS establishes Changning Innovation Training Center for graduate students......
2011-10-08 24
VHS helps Shanghai Baimao Science Park to become the first Health Demonstration Science Park in Shanghai
VHS helps Shanghai Baimao Science Park to become the first Health Demonstration Science Park in Shan......
2011-10-08 16